There is no other source of income of this Organization. We need handsome donations to run the activities of ASHI (Punjab), so that we will able to help the needy girls/women in the rural areas of Punjab by giving them vocational training in Cutting & Tailoring, Computer Education, Beautician, etc.
Donations are received by Bank Drafts/Cheques.
ASHI gladly accept donations from individuals & companies to sustain our work.
If you would like to donate to us please call to Sh. R.D.S.Riar +91 9814648480. If you wish to make a donation direct to our Bank Account our details are:
Association for Social Health in India (Punjab State Branch)
State Bank of Patiala (High Court Branch), Chandigarh.
A/C Number: 55024614664 (for Recpectable donors of India)
This Organization is also registered under FCRA (Foreign Contribution Registration Act).
State Bank of Patiala (High Court Branch), Chandigarh.
A/c Number: 55024559032 (Respectable donors of out of India)
All donations to ASHI (Punjab State Branch) are exempt under Section 80/G of the Income Tax Act.